Delight occupants with a thermostat that’s lovely to behold, simple to use, and smart at adapting to their comfort preferences. With hundreds of hours of testing, Honeywell TC300 Commercial Thermostat family is designed to make everyone’s day easier – from fast, guided setup, to connected facility-wide oversight and control.
- Wi-Fi capability: Flexible wiring options extended with wireless capability
- Occupant application: End-user mobile application for remote control on indoor environment
- BACnet IP: additional protocol support over Wi-Fi
- Dual BACnet IP and Connect Me support: simultaneous support of BACnet IP protocol and Occupant mobile app
- Network shared IOs: expanded flexibility with network shared IOs accessible both through BACnet and Modbus
The Honeywell TC300 Thermostat family has been honoured as a winner of the prestigious “iF Design Award 2024”, one of the most esteemed design competitions globally.